Litter Box Training

Litter Box Training Your Cat

If you’re taking home a new kitten or cat, you will certainly need one important accessory – a cat litter box, or “kitty litter box,” as I call it when I first got it for my pet cat when he was still a kitty. Of course, choosing the right cat litter box is not easy for a new cat owner.

 Litter Box Training Basics

Cat litter boxes comes in different shapes and size. I personally suggest using one of those hooded cat litter box for a few reasons. First, if you’re going to put the litter box in your room, the hooded litter box helps in containing the odor. Second, like humans, cats want some privacy, too! And third is for aesthetic purposes, since hooded cat litter box does a good job of hiding what us sometimes “unsightly” doings of you beloved cats. I haven’t tried those automatic litter boxes, but after seeing some demos, I’m afraid the sound will scare some cats, especially kittens, away!

Now for the litter sand. Litter box training won’t be complete without choosing the right litter sand. There are different types of litter, there’s clay, clumping sand, silica gel and some others. You better ask your local pet shops on what’s available in your area. I have used a few of them, but I keep coming back to my clumping litter sand. Why? Because it’s just more convenient to clean. Of course, make sure that you buy a brand that has strong clumping power and good odor control. I really love the brand I’m using right now. If you want to know, you can contact me. Anyway, if you happen to buy a litter sand with little to no odor control, try mixing baking soda with it. It will help a lot in minimizing odors. There’s even scented baking soda, if you really want to “odor free” your litter box.

Now we’re all set. But how do you litter box train your kitten for the first time? This is really simple and easy. You see, cats have a natural instinct on where to “do the deed.” You just have to show them the way. The first thing you do when your kitten arrives is put them on the litter box. Then using your hand, dig into the litter sand like what a cat does. Make sure that your cute kitten sees this. They will pick it up.

Now what happens when your kitten decided that he or she won’t use the cat litter box? Do not worry, these “accidents,” as I call it, are very common. Even my cat, who is now 2 years old, sometimes won’t use his box. But there are many reasons why. For a new kitten, you just have to scoop the stool, show the kitty how you put it in the litter box and cover it with litter sand. Repeat the process until your cat use the litter box properly.

Litter box training is really simple. Our cats are one of the most tidy pets you can ever have. We as owners and friends just have to do our part in helping them.

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